John & Kim Quinley
Step Ahead
Kimberly went to Thailand in 1984 and soon will be celebrating 40 years of service. John joined her in 1986 for a summer and brought a diamond ring! Together in 1989 they began frontier church planting in southern Thailand and in 2002 founded an organization called Step Ahead, which delivered Christian microfinance services to the poorest people in Bangkok. Step Ahead recently celebrated 20 years and has grown to a team of 20 staff partnering with Thai churches and the Thai government working towards all children in Thailand growing up in safe and nurturing families. Step Ahead has a strong strategy with four pillars: Advocacy, Capacity Building, Direct Services and Collaboration.

Maury Middleton
Middleton Ministries
Pam and Maury first began overseas ministry in 1981, when they moved to Thailand. Since that time, they have been in overseas ministry for more than 20 years and in over 25 different countries. They have support teams in Thailand and Myanmar.

Mary Sexauer
World Harvest Ministries, Inc
Dale and Mary first traveled to Asia in 1972. They were married in Kabul, Afghanistan in 1973.
Dale and Mary have traveled in more than 30 countries and have had homes in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and in the U.S. The primary ministry focus has been and continues to be northern India where less than one percent (1%) of the population is Christian. Open-air meetings are held in the spring and fall of each year. Since 1993, an estimate of over seven million people in India have attended their open air meetings.
In 1993, Dale and Mary founded World Harvest Ministries as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization which exists to glorify God by preaching Christ and extending the Kingdom of God to those who have never heard the Gospel message. The open-air meetings in India are supported by a local team of nationals and patterned after the ministry of Jesus and the Book of Acts. Jesus combined His public preaching and teaching with healing the sick and casting out evil spirits. The miracle ministry of Jesus continues to this day. In January 2018 Dale went to be with Jesus and Mary continues the ministry.
Dale and Mary have traveled in more than 30 countries and have had homes in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and in the U.S. The primary ministry focus has been and continues to be northern India where less than one percent (1%) of the population is Christian. Open-air meetings are held in the spring and fall of each year. Since 1993, an estimate of over seven million people in India have attended their open air meetings.
In 1993, Dale and Mary founded World Harvest Ministries as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization which exists to glorify God by preaching Christ and extending the Kingdom of God to those who have never heard the Gospel message. The open-air meetings in India are supported by a local team of nationals and patterned after the ministry of Jesus and the Book of Acts. Jesus combined His public preaching and teaching with healing the sick and casting out evil spirits. The miracle ministry of Jesus continues to this day. In January 2018 Dale went to be with Jesus and Mary continues the ministry.

Neal and Elke Newman,
church-planting, Cologne (Köln), Germany - Turkish Muslim Ministry,
Neal and Elke were married at NCC in 1990 and have two grown sons - one of whom works as a male nurse, and the other is married and works for a German missions organization.
Turkiye (the official name of Turkey now) is one of the most unreached countries in our world today, and many of its ethnic people groups (Turks, Kurds, Arabs, Armenians, Syrianis, Azeris, etc.) are also largely unreached with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Turks from Turkiye are a sub-group of Turkic peoples. Generally speaking,Turkic ehtnic groups came from the Altay mountain region, just west of Mongolia (the Muslim Uyghurs in western China are also Turkic). As they migrated westward over centuries, most of these peoples became Muslim, and today around 99% of the population in Turkiye is considered to be Muslim of one sort or another.
Turks from Turkiye compose the largest foreign minority in Germany, and we have more freedom to reach them with the Gospel here than in Turkiye itself. Our ministry is in church-planting, which includes everything from evangelism and discipleship to seeing churches be formed and helping believers to follow God’s calling and come into their ministries. Thirty-seven (37) years ago there were only about ten (10) Turkish-speaking believers and no fellowships in the city. Today the Lord has raised up more than 170 believers in the region (the vast majority of whom accepted the Lord here) and four fellowships in the city. These brothers and sisters also share the Gospel with others both here and in Turkiye.
Turkiye (the official name of Turkey now) is one of the most unreached countries in our world today, and many of its ethnic people groups (Turks, Kurds, Arabs, Armenians, Syrianis, Azeris, etc.) are also largely unreached with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Turks from Turkiye are a sub-group of Turkic peoples. Generally speaking,Turkic ehtnic groups came from the Altay mountain region, just west of Mongolia (the Muslim Uyghurs in western China are also Turkic). As they migrated westward over centuries, most of these peoples became Muslim, and today around 99% of the population in Turkiye is considered to be Muslim of one sort or another.
Turks from Turkiye compose the largest foreign minority in Germany, and we have more freedom to reach them with the Gospel here than in Turkiye itself. Our ministry is in church-planting, which includes everything from evangelism and discipleship to seeing churches be formed and helping believers to follow God’s calling and come into their ministries. Thirty-seven (37) years ago there were only about ten (10) Turkish-speaking believers and no fellowships in the city. Today the Lord has raised up more than 170 believers in the region (the vast majority of whom accepted the Lord here) and four fellowships in the city. These brothers and sisters also share the Gospel with others both here and in Turkiye.