"See how great a love the Father has bestowed on us..."
1 John 3:1a
New Covenant offers many opportunities for kids to learn about God in a fun and nurturing environment through our Covenant Kids Ministry. We offer a variety of children’s programs on both Sunday* mornings and Monday nights for boys, with monthly special events for girls.
Our Sunday* morning Covenant Kids program includes
Nursery (0-2 years) and Pre-K and Kindergarten Group (3-5 years).
Our Monday evening boys program is known as Royal Rangers and includes
Ranger Kids (5 years-2nd grade), Discovery Rangers (3rd -5th grade), and Adventure Rangers (6th - 8th grade).
We use a child check-in system to make sure children are accounted for and picked up by the right people. We view your child’s safety as a top priority. All children must be checked-in before dropping them off at any of our Children’s Ministry classrooms.
*Note: On Sundays, the Pre-K and Kindergarten Group stay in the main service with their parents for worship and are dismissed to class during the announcements.