Commandment: In New Light

Aug 25, 2024    Steve Deane

This sermon explores the concept of God's commandments as empowering keys rather than restrictive chains. The sermon emphasizes that Jesus saw commandment as a source of power, particularly in His obedience to the Father's commandment to die and rise again. This perspective transforms our understanding of commandments from limitations to opportunities for participating in God's restoration of creation. The sermon highlights how Jesus' resurrection defeats sin and death, offering a new paradigm for viewing commandment and our role in renewing the world through love and obedience.

Key Points:

- Commandments should be seen as keys that unlock potential, not chains that restrict

- Jesus' obedience to the commandment to die and rise again demonstrates the power of commandments

- The resurrection of Jesus defeats sin and death, dethroning their power over creation

- Believers are called to participate in the ongoing renewal of creation through obedience to God's commandments

- Love, as commanded by Jesus, is a powerful force for restoring creation

- Even the smallest acts of love are stronger than death and contribute to the restoration of creation

Stories used:

- The illustration of "Bill" being dissolved in acetone and needing to be restored, representing the fall and restoration of creation

- The analogy of superheroes (Superman, Iron Man, Thanos) getting their powers from various sources, compared to believers getting power from God's commandments

- The metaphor of Jesus defeating death and sin in the underworld, described with playful imagery of martial arts

- The example of new growth emerging from a burnt forest, illustrating ongoing renewal in creation

Chapter 1: Introduction and Setting the Stage                         0:00 - 4:00

The sermon begins with interactive elements and sets up the theme of commandments as empowerment.

Chapter 2: Commandments as Keys, Not Chains                    4:00 - 10:00

We explore the shift from viewing commandment as restrictive chains to empowering keys.

Chapter 3: Jesus and the Power of Commandment                10:00 - 16:00

We delve into how Jesus viewed and used commandments as a source of power, particularly in His death and resurrection.

Chapter 4: Living in a New Reality                                            16:00 - 22:00

We discuss the implications of living in a world where sin and death have been defeated through and resurrection life and immortality have been brought to light through Christ's obedience. Living now in the New Heavens and Earth.

Chapter 5: Embracing Commandments for Restoration           22:00 - 27:00

We are called to embrace commandment to “Love one Another” as empowerment to participate in God's restoration of creation.